Data-Driven Content Writing

Our Analyst takes the guesswork out of what kind of content to publish on your site.  With data-driven content writing, we find keywords specific to your target market. AB Data Marketing also specializes in geo-targeted landing pages, combining keyword research and your website’s analytics to write content that stretches your online reach.


Establishing a website is the first step in having a strong online presence. Publishing new content on a regular basis can help boost your add search results. In addition to better search engine results, adding content to your website can help you reach new audiences in your target areas. 

Adding new content to your website is a great way of letting browsers (and Google!) know your business is active and running. It is also a way to reach and communicate with new users who are interested in your products/services.


  1. Schedule your free consultation & complete intake form

  2. Complete New Client Survey

  3. Consultation with our Specialist

  4. Contract signed

  5. Down payment (75%)

  6. The work begins


  • 3-5 pages published per month(one keyword per page)

  • geo-specific keyword research

  • original content

  • search engine optimized

Other ways to expand your online presence

  • Website Maintenance: It is easy to dismiss the importance of keeping your website current. Google analytics are always changing and pages need routine updates to maintain great SEO scores. We monitor and maintain changes so you don't have to, while also providing monthly analytics so you're always in the know. Starting at $400 per month.

  • SEO Services: Do you have customers that struggle to find your business online? Are you struggling to rank higher than your competitors on Google? We have website solutions for you. Our Analyst will review and optimize your content for a flat rate per keyword. Perfect for businesses who want to convert existing content into blogs or landing pages, SEO existing content, and businesses that want to focus on geo-targeted landing pages. Flat rate of $75 per published page.